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City of Stonnington charging up for the environment

29 September 2021

The City of Stonnington has shown its commitment to the environment by investing in electric vehicle charging infrastructure for the community.

AURIGA electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure units are now available in the neighbourhood, providing convenient EV charging stations for residents to fully charge their electric cars and e-bikes.

At the start of 2019, automotive manufacturers invested over $150 billion in the production of electric vehicles to meet strong, increasing demand in overseas markets. Many Australian drivers are holding out for an electric vehicle.

Only a handful of EV charging companies support EV charging infrastructure - the AURIGA units are the only AC EV chargers made in Victoria. Local business EVUp manages the software which allows the EV charging units to be managed remotely.

With this purchase, the City of Stonnington is ensuring EV charging infrastructure is ready when the community fully embraces electric vehicles.

This reinforces the City of Stonnington commitment to creating a sustainable and resilient city, improving its natural and urban environments for the community.

If you're a local government, commercial not-for-profit group or a community group, funding is available to set up this infrastructure for your region or suburb. 

In Victoria, $5 million in grants is available to deliver the Destination Charging Across Victoria (DCAV) Program which includes:
  • up to $4 million to support the installation of EV fast-chargers (11 kW – 100 kW fast-chargers) in regional priority towns and locations; and
  • up to $1 million for the installation of EV fast-chargers (11 kW – 100 kW fast-chargers) at metropolitan destinations.

Working out how to charge for electric vehicles for council or government sites can be complex. You’re not alone if you’re wondering what type of EV charging to install, where EV charging should be located, or whether you should charge for the service.

We’ll work with you to understand your sites, what your residents need, and give you advice from our experience setting up for other organisations. 

Call 1300 70 11 99 or find out more about how to submit your bid for AC EV charging. 

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